What to Look in for a Vlogging Camera – 7 Best Features

Last Updated on September 27, 2023 by Best Vlogging Camera

Imagine you’re on the exciting journey of creating and growing your own vlogging channel on YouTube. Perhaps you’re already up and running, and now your sights are set on acquiring a top-notch vlogging camera that can truly elevate your content. So, what you think what to look in for a vlogging camera?

If finding the ideal vlogging camera while sticking to a budget is your mission – let’s say you’re aiming for the best vlogging camera under $200 – and if you’re seeking the ultimate choice among the plethora of options tailored to beginners, you’re in for an adventure.

Stepping into the store or browsing online, the sheer array of choices might feel overwhelming. That’s precisely why we’re here: to streamline your decision-making by redefining the essential features that must grace the vlogging camera you, as a beginner, intend to invest in.

The Definitive Guide to What to Look in for a Vlogging Camera


Video Resolution


Choosing the right video resolution for your vlogging camera is a crucial consideration, especially for those who are new to the vlogging scene. While opting for a 4K video resolution might seem like the prevailing trend, it’s important to assess whether it aligns with your current stage and investment capacity. Undoubtedly, 4K delivers unparalleled video quality, but it often demands a financial commitment that might be overwhelming for beginners.

Established vloggers of today often opt for 4K as their go-to resolution, reaping the benefits of its remarkable clarity and detail. However, if you’re just starting out, there’s no need to rush into the 4K camera immediately. Full HD resolution, clocking in at 1080p, provides a highly satisfying video quality that perfectly caters to your initial vlogging ventures. The transition from everyday life to vlogging can be intricate enough; having Full HD at your disposal ensures your content retains the professional touch you’re aiming for.

On the other hand, settling for a camera offering a maximum resolution of 720p is a move that warrants caution. Investing in equipment calls for a long-term perspective. Striving for gadgets that remain relevant beyond a mere six-month span is a prudent approach. Today’s market boasts a plethora of options, including a wide range of 4K cameras. In this landscape, selecting a vlogging camera that embraces only a 720p resolution is tantamount to embracing obsolescence.

In essence, the resolution you choose should align with your current circumstances and aspirations. While 4K represents the pinnacle of video quality, it’s by no means a mandatory starting point. Full HD serves as an excellent entry-level option that ensures your content maintains a professional standard. As you navigate the vlogging universe, remember that foresight in your choices is the key to sustained relevance and growth.


Low Light Performance

As a dedicated vlogger, the role of lighting in your videos cannot be overstated. Throughout your vlogging journey, you’ll inevitably encounter scenarios where the available light falls short of your expectations. In these moments, your camera’s lifeline lies in its ISO capabilities – a pivotal aspect that determines its low light performance.

ISO serves as the cornerstone of your camera’s ability to adapt to challenging lighting conditions. A higher ISO setting translates to heightened sensitivity to light, resulting in brighter captures in dimly lit environments. However, this enhancement comes with a caveat. Elevating the ISO can introduce unwanted visual artifacts, commonly known as noise and grain, into your video footage. This nuanced trade-off means that while your camera might capture a brighter scene, the overall image quality could suffer, undermining the visual integrity of your content.

Some camera models boast the advantage of automatic ISO adjustment based on the luminosity detected by their sensors. This intelligent feature optimizes ISO settings according to the available light, simplifying your task. Nevertheless, if you’re embarking on your vlogging journey on a budget, selecting a camera with manual ISO adjustment capability remains a prudent choice. This hands-on approach empowers you to strike a delicate balance between light, noise, and grain in your videos, all while maintaining a level of control that aligns with your creative vision.

In summary, mastering low light performance is an essential skill for any vlogger. With ISO as your ally, you can navigate challenging lighting situations, illuminating your content with finesse. While the allure of higher ISO settings is tempting, it’s crucial to find the equilibrium that upholds visual excellence while managing unwanted distortions. Your choice of camera should resonate with your creative aspirations, whether it’s an automated luminosity-driven system or a hands-on ISO adjustment approach – all contributing to your remarkable vlogging voyage.



Lens for vlogging camera


When it comes to lenses, the journey doesn’t begin with the lens itself. Sounds a bit counterintuitive, right? Allow us to explain: your lens selection is intricately linked to the camera you opt for. If your vlogging camera options lean towards the compact end, your lens choices will be confined to what comes packaged with the camera. This, indeed, places a constraint on your creative flexibility.

Enter the world of mirrorless cameras and DSLRs, a realm that many vloggers find themselves drawn to. The allure lies in the expansive array of lens choices these options open up. It’s important to note that your decision between a mirrorless camera and a DSLR hinges on the specific model you eventually decide upon. However, both of these categories empower you with the freedom to select from a diverse range of lenses available in the market. The beauty of this lies in the fact that you can curate your lens collection to align perfectly with your vlogging aspirations, enhancing the distinctiveness of your content.

A crucial point to bear in mind is that not all DSLR or mirrorless camera purchases automatically include a lens. In certain instances, the lens and camera body are sold separately. This adds an extra layer of consideration when you’re in the process of procuring your vlogging equipment. Thoroughness is key; ensuring that both the lens and the camera body are included in the package is a precautionary step that avoids potential pitfalls down the line.

In essence, the lens is far more than an accessory – it’s a pivotal element in shaping the visual narrative of your vlogs. The path you take, whether it leads you to the pre-selected lens of compact cameras or the multifaceted world of interchangeable lenses, ultimately influences the depth and breadth of your creative expression.


Video Autofocus

When it comes to sifting through the myriad options in the realm of vlogging cameras, one factor stands out as the ultimate game-changer: video autofocus. Amidst the array of features vying for your attention, this particular aspect takes center stage, and for good reason – it’s the linchpin of your vlogging experience.

For vloggers, the significance of video autofocus cannot be overstated. In fact, it’s the non-negotiable cornerstone that separates the contenders from the rest. If a camera you’re considering lacks this critical feature, it’s time to halt your search right there. The prospect of manually focusing your shots might seem innocuous, but in reality, it can metamorphose into a vexing ordeal, draining both your patience and your precious time. Just ask any seasoned vlogger – they’ll attest to the frustration.

Now, while a significant number of mirrorless cameras and DSLRs come equipped with advanced autofocus capabilities, a word of caution is warranted when delving into the realm of older versions or compact lens cameras. Technological progress is an unrelenting force, and it’s imperative to steer clear of investing in gear that’s teetering on the precipice of obsolescence. The last thing you want is to find your content creation journey hampered by outdated technology.

Video autofocus isn’t merely a feature; it’s the bedrock of your vlogging camera’s functionality. As you sift through options and explore the dynamic landscape of vlogging cameras, remember that the presence – or absence – of robust autofocus capabilities holds the power to elevate your content creation process or introduce unnecessary hurdles. Your journey as a vlogger deserves gear that keeps pace with your ambitions, and video autofocus is the compass guiding you towards that vision.


Camera Microphone

Camera microphone

In the intricate tapestry of vlogging, an often underestimated yet paramount element reigns supreme: the camera microphone. While this might initially strike you as counterintuitive, rest assured that your vlogging odyssey will illuminate its pivotal role. Allow us to shed light on why audio prowess takes precedence in your vlogs.

Consider this paradox: an audience’s tolerance for visual quality might accommodate a 720p video, as long as the audio quality remains stellar. However, even if your video dazzles in 4K splendor, if your audio falls prey to intrusive noise, brace yourself for a deluge of discontent from your viewers. It’s a reality that underscores the significance of impeccable audio in forging a captivating connection with your audience.

As you embark on your vlogging venture, it’s prudent to anchor your camera selection process on a foundational criterion: the presence of an external microphone jack. This attribute serves as a gateway to enhancing your audio capabilities, providing the means to integrate an external microphone seamlessly. Enter the Rode VideoMic Pro, a stalwart among vloggers for its exceptional performance. Its compatibility with DSLRs and mirrorless cameras empowers you to elevate your audio quality with ease, imbuing your vlogs with a professional touch that resonates.

Never underestimate the audio dimension of your vlogs. The camera microphone isn’t just an accessory; it’s an indispensable tool that bridges the gap between your narrative and your audience. By embracing an external microphone solution like the Rode VideoMic Pro, you’re poised to craft content that not only captivates visually but envelops your viewers in a sonic embrace that leaves a lasting impact.


Camera with Flip Screen

Flip screen camera

In vlogging camera, certain features may appear trivial at first glance, and the flip screen camera might just be one of them. However, delve a bit deeper and you’ll unveil its substantial role in shaping your vlogging journey. Let’s explore why a camera with a flip screen isn’t just an accessory – it’s a game-changer.

The pivotal advantage of a flip screen becomes evident as you immerse yourself in the vlogging process. Imagine this scenario: you’re in the midst of capturing a vlog, and having a flip screen at your disposal grants you a real-time glimpse of your shot. This real-time feedback loop is an invaluable asset, ensuring not only visual appeal but also meticulous attention to exposure, focus, and lighting nuances. Your creative vision seamlessly aligns with the final outcome, all thanks to this simple yet transformative feature.

Moreover, a flip screen serves as an inconspicuous guardian of audio levels within your vlog. The ability to monitor sound in tandem with your visual content is a profound advantage that safeguards the auditory dimension of your videos. It’s worth noting that while most cameras come equipped with this feature, a handful do deviate from the norm. Thoroughly assessing the features of your chosen vlogging camera is a prudent step before sealing the deal.

In summary, the flip screen isn’t just a luxury; it’s a tool that elevates your vlogging precision and enhances your creative prowess. By providing you with an instantaneous view of your recording, it ensures your content exudes aesthetic excellence and technical finesse. Moreover, its role as an audio sentinel adds an extra layer of professionalism to your vlogs. Embrace the flip screen not as an optional addition, but as an indispensable asset that empowers you to create with unmatched clarity and confidence.


Camera Size

The dimensions of your chosen camera hold more significance in the vlogging world than you might initially assume. However, the relevance of size hinges greatly on the nature of your vlogging aspirations. Are you envisioning static setups at a desk, or does your vlogging journey involve frequent globetrotting? Your response dictates the weight of the factor known as portability.

For those who find themselves on the move – capturing the essence of diverse locales – the weight of your camera takes on paramount importance. Opting for a lightweight camera becomes a strategic move, one that aligns harmoniously with your dynamic vlogging itinerary. On the other hand, if your vlogs adhere to a stationary setting, the size and weight of your camera can take a back seat while you prioritize other facets of quality.

While contemplating camera weight, it’s crucial to cast a discerning eye on the heft of the lens as well. Consider the Canon 7D Mark II, for instance. It tips the scales at approximately 1 kg sans the lens. Factor in the lens, and you’re staring at an aggregate weight of around 2 kg. Now, envision lugging this equipment through your travels – a proposition that quickly



Tripod for vlogging camera

The significance of a sturdy tripod or a well-designed handle cannot be overstated. These unassuming accessories hold the power to unlock diverse dimensions in your content creation journey. Let’s delve into why a camera’s compatibility with these elements is far from a mere afterthought.

Consider the instances where you need to set your camera down and engage with your audience. Whether you’re unraveling the tapestry of your daily life or chronicling the adventures of your travels, a dependable tripod serves as your silent ally. Its presence ensures your camera remains steadfast, granting you the freedom to converse with your viewers without grappling with camera placement.

Moreover, envision the potential of a camera with a thoughtfully designed handle. As you embark on your vlogging voyage, this ergonomic feature becomes a catalyst for creativity. Holding your camera at a distance, facilitated by a well-constructed handle, empowers you to experiment with diverse angles and perspectives. For instance, a wide-angle lens can capture expansive backgrounds, lending depth to your shots. Simultaneously, leveraging the longer focal length enabled by extended camera positioning minimizes distortion, adding finesse to your visuals.

It’s worth noting that certain camera models lack handles and exhibit limited compatibility with tripods, thus constraining your artistic repertoire. Eliminating these options from your consideration at the outset is a strategic move, ensuring your chosen camera aligns seamlessly with your creative vision.

In essence, the tripod and handle aren’t mere accessories; they’re enablers of versatility and precision in your vlogging escapades. The tripod offers stability while the handle facilitates dynamic framing – both indispensable tools that nurture the authenticity and artistry of your content. As you peruse your camera options, keep in mind that a camera’s synergy with these elements can be the pivotal differentiator between ordinary and extraordinary visuals.


Navigating the selection process for your inaugural vlogging camera on YouTube is no small feat. Let’s revisit the pivotal features that warrant your keen consideration. These key aspects not only set the foundation for your vlogging journey but also determine the caliber of your content. 

Firstly, a feather-light build is essential. The agility offered by a lightweight camera can’t be overstated; it allows you to effortlessly capture moments on the go, making your vlogging experience seamless and unhindered. 

Secondly, video autofocus capabilities take center stage. Your camera’s ability to swiftly and accurately focus on subjects in motion can be the difference between a captivating vlog and a subpar one. 

Thirdly, the ISO performance holds considerable weight. Striving for a camera that delivers impressive ISO performance, even if it necessitates manual adjustment, ensures your videos remain crisp and vibrant across varying lighting conditions.

Moreover, a flip-out screen emerges as a valuable asset. This dynamic feature empowers you to monitor both audio and video aspects of your shots in real time, a boon that fine-tunes the quality of your content creation.

With these crucial criteria in mind, let’s turn our attention to specific camera recommendations. The Canon G7X MKIII, Canon EOS 80D, and Sony a7S II stand out as prime contenders. Notably endorsed by vlogging enthusiasts, these cameras not only boast high satisfaction ratings but also encapsulate most – if not all – of the standout features we’ve delineated above.

These cameras are not just noteworthy; they’re emblematic of value for money. Revered for their affordability, they strike the perfect balance between cutting-edge features and a friendly price point, an amalgamation that aligns seamlessly with the needs and aspirations of burgeoning vloggers.

As you embark on your vlogging odyssey, anchoring your choices in these fundamental features guarantees your content creation journey is marked by quality and finesse. The cameras we’ve spotlighted resonate as true champions of affordable vlogging gear, heralding a promising beginning for beginners and setting the stage for remarkable storytelling on YouTube.


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